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Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Serving Southern California

i-brainspinalcordinjuriesInjuries to the brain and spinal cord are perhaps the most severe injuries that a human being could endure. These injuries often require extensive medical care, treatment and rehabilitation. Often, an individual will never fully return to the normalcy that was enjoyed prior to the accident.

Los Angeles spinal cord injury attorney T. Joshua Ritz has the knowledge and experience necessary to guide you and your family through this trying and difficult time. We will immediately work to investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident, interview witnesses and document your injuries. Our firm will work with medical experts to fully determine the extent of your injuries, and the potential future changes in personality and lifestyle that you might suffer.

Many types of accidents can lead to a brain and spinal cord injury, including:

  • Industrial Accidents
  • Construction Site Accidents
  • Severe Car Accidents
  • Truck or Commercial Vehicle Accidents
  • Heavy Products Falling Off Shelves in Retail Stores

If you have been severely injured in a car accident or any other serious accident in California, do not hesitate to contact a skilled car accident attorney.

The effects of a serious injury can be long lasting and life altering. Our firm will make it a point to have experts examine your injuries to determine the long-term effects, potential medical bills and future physical therapy needed. All too often, clients are convinced by their insurance companies to settle for a monetary amount that does not take these future financial strains into account. Our firm will fight for the full and fair compensation you are owed.

Contact our firm by completing the email form on this website or call us at 818.788.1123 for a free consultation with an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer.