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Los Angeles Slip and Fall Lawyer

i-slipfallThe stereotype is that trip-and-fall lawsuits are too common and not meritorious, but this does not change the fact that individuals suffer significant injuries each year due to the negligence of property owners or managers. If you or a family member has been injured, contact a Los Angeles slip-and-fall lawyer immediately.

The first concern of T. Joshua Ritz & Associates, Inc. Attorneys-At-Law, is that you receive proper and immediate medical care for your injuries. Significant injuries can require multiple doctor visits, physical therapy and potentially lifelong changes in your lifestyle. We will examine the circumstances surrounding your accident and partner with California medical professionals to determine the far-reaching effects of your injuries.

Several dangerous conditions can lead to significant injuries, including:

  • Slippery Surfaces, both Indoors and Outdoors
  • Uneven Sidewalks or other Paved Surfaces
  • Faulty Handrails
  • Defective Stairs, Patios or Balconies
  • Poorly Lit Halls, Corners or Stairs
  • Obstructed or Cluttered Store Aisles

If you have suffered trip and fall injuries in California as a result of a dangerous condition, while you are a customer in a store, visitor to a public place or a guest at someone’s home, you should contact a lawyer immediately. We will ensure you recover the full and fair monetary compensation for your injury, lost wages and pain and suffering.

Contact our firm by completing the email form on this website or call us at 818.788.1123. We offer a free consultation.